{ "query": "Niitakacris arishanensis", "results": [ { "name": "Niitakacris arishanensis", "reference": { "csl": { "id": "Q98715368", "type": "article-journal", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2015 ] ] }, "DOI": "10.16380/J.KCXB.2015.03.013", "ISSN": "0454-6296", "issue": "3", "page": "335-340", "title": "Three new species of the genus Niitakacris Tinkham, 1936 (Orthoptra [Orthoptera], Acridoidea, Catantopidae, Podisminae) with a key to five species of the genus from Taiwan, China", "URL": "https://bionames.org/references/a39a1da131ceedcf42a2942710a46f01", "volume": "58", "container-title": "Acta Entomologica Sinica", "WIKIDATA": "Q98715368" }, "citation": "Three new species of the genus Niitakacris Tinkham, 1936 (Orthoptra [Orthoptera], Acridoidea, Catantopidae, Podisminae) with a key to five species of the genus from Taiwan, China. (2015). Acta Entomologica Sinica, 58(3), 335–340. https://doi.org/10.16380/J.KCXB.2015.03.013" } } ] }